23: Why Not Having a Plan B Has Helped Her Achieve Every. Single. Goal She Sets Her Mind To with Briana Gause

Briana Gause

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Briana (she/her) is blessed to be a Philadelphia based Filmmaker, Theatre Maker, Painter, And Teaching Artist, Briana’s mission in life is to create opportunities for love and education to thrive through art. 

This week I am so excited to finally share this episode with you guys! So many delicious gems from my dear friend Briana. She is doing incredible work and cannot be stopped or held back by external expectations. We get into some deep topics such as the insecurity when she no longer had to prove herself because the people around her didn’t question her vision or her ability to execute said vision. Briana breaks down how she is so clear on her vision and what specific actions help her from wavering. 

In this episode we discuss: 

  • Knowing your worth
  • Asking explicitly and specifically for you want
  • Releasing control and accepting support from others
  • Having an active mindset- always looking for ways to make you goal happen

Question of the Week: How will I balance the work I need to do with the work I need to do for myself?

Connect with Briana! IG: @omg_presents and @ohmygause also check out her website www.ohmygause.com!

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